Tenga XTR Strong & Premium Strong CUP Masturbator Review

I've been reviewing lots of Tenga CUPs lately – Tenga's range of disposable Vacuum CUPs. These truly have vacuum suction as you'll see...!

Before you read this review, do check out the original & premium Tenga CUPs review first! In the original review I dig into the questions: why use disposable masturbators, can they really not be re-used, how should you use them?

Tenga Original & Premium Vacuum CUP Masturbator Review
Why use disposable sex toys? Are the Tenga CUPs really that good? The vacuum will knock your socks off, let’s dive into why the CUPs are so great

If you're interested in Tenga's Gentle CUPs, I've reviewed those here

Tenga XTR Gentle & Premium Gentle CUP Masturbator Review
Diving into cotton clouds? Great stimulation while lasting longer? Full review of the Tenga XTR Gentle and Tenga Premium Gentle CUP masturbators.

In this review I'll be focusing on:

Tenga has been kind enough to provide these CUPs in exchange for an honest review. Affiliate links in this review help support me with running costs, I am truly grateful for your support.


The Strong series all come in a black packaging, easy to recognize. As with all Tenga toys, the packaging is beautiful and sleek 😎.

To open it up, make sure you remove the sticker at the top, otherwise you won' t be able to penetrate it due to its strong suction.

The above photos show the Tenga XTR Strong CUP opened. Here's how it looks like on the Tenga Premium Strong CUP.

How It Feels

Tenga XTR Strong Vacuum CUP

The Tenga XTR Strong CUP opened

Oh boy, the XTR Strong vacuum cup! Getting in is a challenge 🫢. It is SUPER tight, and very firm! Once I got in, I could felt a crushing force all around, twisting as I went in and out. While too tight for me, this did feel really good. The material is very, very firm.

The strong force was different from what I'm used to, and incredibly pleasurable. At the same time it also felt somewhat painful. If you are well-gifted down below, I would not recommend the XTR Strong for you. If however, you're specifically searching for a tighter, firmer masturbator, this WILL get you off 🔥 – that's the specialty of the XTR strong.

Tenga XTR Strong Vacuum CUP Internal View

By closing up the hole on the top I could control the suction. With the firmer textures, I could not budge at all! This is some extreme suction right there 😎.

In terms of build quality it is still more similar to a standard CUP, the lubricant tends to dry out faster than premium CUPs.

Oh yes. Extreme it is.

Once done, close it up and dispose! Read here or here why you shouldn't re-use them.

Tenga Premium Strong Vacuum CUP

The Tenga Premium Strong CUP opened

Ah, the Premium Strong CUP. If you've been following my reviews you'll know that I already tested and review the Standard Premium and Gentle Premium CUPs. Those felt amazing and I love them 🥰.

The Strong Premium isn't so different from the other premiums. The lubricant is better than the standard CUPs, and the textures are more intricate. The strong is just somewhat, well, stronger 😜! The material is clearly more firm, but not to the point of chafing.

The internal textures of the Tenga Standard Premium Strong Vacuum CUP

The XTR Strong is much more firm than the Premium Strong. The Premium Strong feels very similar to the Gentle and Standard Premium CUPs in practice. It is somewhat noticeable that it is more firm, and puts more pressure during use 🌟.

By closing up the hole on the top I could control the suction, just like the other CUPs. The suction is incredibly strong. So far CUPs are the masturbators with the strongest suction I've experienced.

All in all, very enjoyable, just like the other premiums, and I highly recommend it.

Once done, close it up and dispose! Read here or here why you shouldn't re-use them.

Should you get the XTR Strong CUP?

The Tenga XTR Strong and Premium Strong next to each other

If you're looking for a particularly tight CUP with a very firm texture – this is it! Just like the Standard and Premium CUPS, it has an amazing suction.

Who is it not for?

If you are well-endowed, this CUP will likely be too tight for you. If you're interested in a strong CUP nevertheless, I'd recommend the Premium Strong CUP instead.

Should you get the Premium Strong CUP?

Opening up the Tenga Premium Strong CUP

Great lubrication, great textures - lots of fun. The Premium line-up is amazing. Just like the standard CUPs, it has an amazing suction.

The question will be, should you get the gentle, standard or strong premium CUP? That is actually a difficult question. I'd recommend starting out with the Standard Premium CUP and seeing from there if you'd like to try out a more firm, or gentle stimulation.

If you'd ask me, my favorite cup is still the Standard Premium. It has just the right balance. The Strong and Gentle are however very fun to switch it up.

Who is it not for?

I can't think of many cons to be honest. The Premium Strong is a great CUP. Biggest con would be that it is unfortunately disposable.


If you've missed it, check out the Tenga Original & Premium Original CUP reviews. These are great for more balanced sensations.

Tenga Original & Premium Vacuum CUP Masturbator Review
Why use disposable sex toys? Are the Tenga CUPs really that good? The vacuum will knock your socks off, let’s dive into why the CUPs are so great

Interested in re-usable Tenga toys instead? Check out the Tenga 3D Spiral and Crazy Bobble series.

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You can buy the Tenga XTR Strong Vacuum CUP for 11USD/13EUR.

The Tenga Premium Strong Vacuum CUP comes at 12USD/16EUR.

In my opinion, the slight price difference makes the Premium Gentle worth it, unless you're specifically looking for a soft clouds feeling, then the XTR Gentle is great.


Tenga XTR Strong Vacuum CUP

Tenga Premium Strong Vacuum CUP